About Gerri

     After attempting for far too long to succinctly tell you about myself, I remembered a class assignment that often emitted wonderful results from my students.  Most were proud and excited to share their creations from something called the “I Am From” project as they realized they are unique, and no family is perfect.  


            I am from a family of gamblers:                         

Great grandparents risked everything they had in Ireland, and France, and Germany and Holland to gamble on a better life in a place called America.

Grandparents and parents played roulette with nature each year to raise crops in the middle of the Great American Prairie

Parents who won with a full house of a dozen healthy, hardworking kids when the deck seemed stacked against them in the 50s. They stayed in the game; teaching us the only sure hand is the Lord’s who provides all.                                                                                                                               Family: those siblings and aunts, uncles and cousins with whom we played and fought and became strong learning that a royal  flush lies in  God, love, health, hard work,  and education.

My handsome husband and fantastic four children and spouses plus fifteen grandkids who each day bring joy and beauty to my game of life.

My Catholic Faith that refreshes me with the Body and Blood of Jesus and provides a foundation of rock that is the wrapper against all adversity.

And I can’t omit

Sacred Heart Academy, Pittsburg State and Wichita State Universities that dealt me three Aces with a great education and degrees to equip me to be creative and adapt while attempting to teach thousands of young people for way more than 30 years.

Well, that’s a little about me.  Hope you visit often, and let’s share wonderful books on  “GoodReads” tab at the top of this site